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What is level design?

Level design I basically the creation of a level for a game. Level design usually involves other designer techniques such as audio design, visual design and the code behind the level. In a company, you will be chosen to do one of the techniques of level design.

The change in level design from back then and now.


Between the first game and the recent games, we can all agree that when it comes to the level design the gaming industry has improved significantly.

The first game created is a game now as pong many of people may recognize this game, released in the 70s it is very simple in design all though in through time it was seen as marvellous since nothing as such as been created yet. simple in design and easy to play most people could easily play it. 

As we reach the begging of the 80s we can see that there are more colours in the games and more complicated. the game you see here is Pacman relist in 1980. Although it simple in design and easy with colour it was again quite a game at the time it was made. Pacman, unlike pong, has enemy's and lives to help and make the game difficult. along with that Pacman was designed with multiple different levels for the player to play and enjoy.

As the 2000s came around a lot of gaming companies started to make 3D games although the player models where a bit blocky they where fun to play nevertheless and brought around a new experience for the players. as we reach the 2000s over 1000 games have been made all having a  variety of mechanics, style, and themes.  

As we reach the 90s we can see a lot more colour in games. depending on what game you played the colour scheme would differentiate for example Sonic and Mario had a bright colour scheme while games like Half-Life and Mortal Combat had a dark colour scheme. Along with them that there were a lot more game mechanics which made the game fun to play and all games had the main objective for the player to accomplish. 

Once we reach today times the graphics have improved exponentially. as you can see from the picture up top it has become more realistic even in an made up environment. A lot of games have a lot of detail even the cartoony looking games such as ratchet and clank. Some created games that are in style of old cartoons such as Cuphead and Bendy and the ink machine. The games have also improved in mechanics making them easy to use and all animations are really smooth and glitches are really hard to find unless you're looking for them.  


  • Grenade

  • Ammo 

  • Bolts

  • Crystals


  • Letters

  • Numbers

  • Plus sign

  • Exclamation mark

  • Bolts

  • Crystals

Diegetic sound

Sound whose source is visible on the screen or whose source is implied to be present by the action of the film: 

  • voices of characters 

  • sounds made by objects in the story 

  • music represented as coming from instruments in the story space 

Diegetic sound is any sound presented as originated from source within the film's world 

Non-Diegetic sound

Sound whose source is neither visible on the screen nor has been implied to be present in the action: 

  • narrator's commentary

  • sound effects which are added for the dramatic effect

  • mood music

The sound heard in the video mostly involves is mostly the guy's voice and the wind hitting the mic on the camera. 

I think this video would be better if some sounds where added such as birds singing in the background along with the wind rustling the leaves and maybe while the guy is moving add in sound.   

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In this video, there is a lot of diegetic sounds and only a little non-diegetic at the end of the intro.

The soundscape that is heard in the video are:

  • People talking

  • Church bells 

  • Children playing

  • Cars/motorcycle

  • Birds  

  • Dog leash jiggle              link to video

In this video, there is a lot of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds such as music to bring dramatic effect and the people talking.

The soundscape that is heard in the video are:

  • Police siren

  • Talking

  • Gunshots

  • Drums 

  • Car screeching to a stop        link to video

  • Photo being taken

  • Reloading gun

  • Doors being busted open

  • Glass shattering

  • Singing/humming

  • Slap 

in this video 

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