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 Reflections on idea development 15/09/2017

Today I have been planning and sketching different design ideas for 4 animal icons. First I have research the animals that I was going to draw which where panda, barn owl, snake and seal. Next, I drew a 4x4 box and started sketching my ideas of how the icons are going to look. I did 3 sketch ideas for each animal which makes 12 icon sketches altogether. At the end, I annotated the icons with what I like about it and what I hate.

I chose a panda because I am obsessed with them right now and the bear is quite easy to draw. My ideas for the first icon is to draw the head of the bear but icon looked more like a toy than the real panda. The second icon is the howl bear but still, it looked like a toy. My final icon is the head of the panda and it's realistic although it will be a little hard to draw.

I chose a barn owl because they are cool looking also they look cute and serious. My idea for the icon was to draw its head but I didn't look quite right. The second icon I like the most its the howl owl but side ways and I really like it. The last icon is the owl with its wings open but its really hard to draw and may be too big for an icon.

I chose a snake because they are also cool and scary. My idea for the icon was to draw it in a swirl-like pattern similar to a snails shell but it looks a bit boring. The second icon was the snake wrapped around a branch this will make the snake a bit 3D. The third icon was the snake being wrapped around its self but the icon looks too much like a poop emoji.

I chose a seal because they are cute and funny. My first idea for the icon was the seal looking towards me but it looked a bit boring. The second icon idea was to have a seal balancing a ball on its nose close up but the seal looked like a mole. The third icon was the seal also balancing a ball on its nose 


The style for most of the pictures is cartoonish except Assassin Creed and uncharted.

The design for Pokemon I quite simple and cute they are easy to remember. 

The style for Ratchet and Clank is quite goofy and a little serious and is sure to catch someone's eye.

The sonic icons are really simple and are in the shape of the character that is represented by a colour.

The sly cooper ones are 3D modes on top of a 2D background and represent the characters characteristics.

The Mario icons are also really simple and easily recognizable.

The assassins creed and the uncharted icons look quite serious and cool which may get people excited to play the game.   

The Rayman icons are again also recognizable and will bring excitement to the player.

And last is crash bandicoot icons which are quite an old school game but is still enjoyable to the eye.


These icons could help me with my own design by seeing how to shade my icons and what colours to use for my icons. They can also help me by giving my ideas on how to draw it and why I drew it that way. see-through 

These are the 4 icons I decided to use there are multiple versions of the same one because I wanted a bit of variation in my icons. 

These four are the final designs for the zoo icons

Icons Evaluation 27/09/2017

My project was graphic icons. In this project, we had to create 4 animal zoo icons. First, we drew 12 icons designs, 3 for each animal and then annotated it about what is good about it and what is bad about it. Later on, we scanned the drawing into the computer and drew around the icons I like the look of the most.

The skills I learned while doing the projects is how to use illustrator, how to scan thing into the computer and how to submissions work to the teacher.

I also learned how to change the brush in illustrator to make an animal look fluffy but there was a bit of a problem at the beginning where if I tried to group or compound the strokes with the shapes it all look like something exploded on my page.

For my research, I looked at animal pictures along with other icons to get an idea on what to draw for my icons. The planning was just drawing on a piece of paper trying to find the right design for my animal icons. In my production, I made the icons on illustrator but I redone the snake and the owl because they just didn’t look right to me at all. I also changed the backgrounds for them to add variations. Looking over my final design I think it’s perfect although maybe if I had the next time I would draw the panda differently.

Without the skills, I learned of knowing how to scan and use illustrator I wouldn’t be able to do the project as well as I did now.

My most successful skill was drawing on paper because you can easily change it and it’s easier to draw shapes.

My least successful skill was the illustrator because I wasn’t us to the program, I never used it until now so that was a bit of a challenge.

If I’d had to this project again ill use different animals and make them stand out more.

Based on what I did for my project the target for the next one is to do more work outside of class.

The mouse or koala for some reason turned black I don't know why XD

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