Video Game Landscapes


The company that developed limbo is Playdead and created by Jeppe Carlson. The game was created in 2010.
The game is about a boy waking up in the middle of the deadly forest where he is looking for his sister and comes across some humans that either tries to kill him, run away or are dead. this game got the award for the best independent game.


Tengami was created by David Wise and published by Nyamyam. the game was published in 2014. Tengami is an adventure game set inside a Japanese style pop up book the game is also a puzzle game to solve the puzzle to have to fold and slide the environment. This game has no awards.


The creators of limbo are the same creators of inside. Inside was realised at the end of June 2016. Inside is a puzzle platformer adventure game similar to limbo. Inside was also created as a spiritual successor of limbo. Inside has a few awards and they are British Academy Games Award for Game Design, Best Independent Game, The Game Award for Best Art Direction, Artistic Achievement Award, Original Property and BAFTA Games Award for Narrative.
Ratchet & Clank

The Ratchet and Clank series were created by Insomniac games or more specifically Brian Allgeier and released in 2002.(other ratchet and clank games released on 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2012, 2013 and 2016) The game is an action platformer and third-person shooter. The game is about a duo fighting evil guys to save/protect the universe. (best game btw) Has been nominated for awards but hasn't won one yet.

This is a practice piece which helped to practice how to use Photoshop since I haven't used it for a while.
the way I created this landscape is by making 6 different layers. the first on using black and the shade of colour slowly go down. next I made my own brush the shape of whatever structure you wanted on my land. then I use a random brush and used it on the land to make it look like their leaves there. last I made the layers blurry to make it look as if the land in the image is far away.
This painting is called Napoleon crossing the Alps it is painted by Jacques-Louis David. Here I had to learn how to find the natural colours that are more likely found in a painting than in the colour wheel.

1 3
4 5
7 8
I picked these landscape pictures because of there variety in bright and dark colours. Also, they look like a place you would see in a dream.
1 is warm in colour and can be seen as quite calming. its tone is quite soft too.
2 is very colourful and to me, it brings out joy but its tone is rougher than 1.
3,5 and 8 are very calming and all share a variety in vibrant colour.
4 and 6 use cold colours but it makes them appear quite peaceful and welcoming.
9 uses a lot of warm colours and comes across are lively and similar to 4 and 6 it can be very welcoming.
overall my favourite out of them all is 2 this is because of its rainbow colour scheme and also it would fit a video game level.

1 2 3
6 8
1,2 and 6 are from the same game franchise which is Ratchet and Clank. 1 and 2 are concept art for some of the game's levels.The way the concept art is drawn make it look mysterious, spooky and a bit futuristic. 6 is an actual level (the game is Ratchet and Clank tools of destruction) which looks amazing it uses a lot of cold colour which adds to the futuristic theme.
3 is from Crash Bandicoot, I love the bright colour it has, which makes it stand out of all the pictures.
4 is from assassins creed I like the way it shows the difference between the backdrop and the front image in the screenshot.
5 and 7 are from sly cooper but honestly, they look more like fan art than actual game concept art but that ok they are still cool and can be a good for inspiration.
and last is 8 which is obviously from Minecraft. What I love about it is that someone created this either with or without help which could have taken them days even months to make.

To be honest I don't really know what to say or write about these two. all I can say is that they have an amazing colour scheme which I will definitely use in my landscape along with come of the pictures as inspiration to my landscape.

Here I was practising how to use textures in photoshop. First, we had to colour the picture you see of Mount Fuji. I coloured it by grabbing pictures from the internet and using their colours i coloured the picture. Each colour had a separate layer. on the pinkish layer I added a bit of shading.
Once that all was done I grabbed different textures from the internet and attached them to the right layers.
(3 picture of landscapes sketches)
These are the 3 sketches that I have created for my landscapes project.
I have to pick one which I will colour and shad in. to help me pick I asked everyone in my class which one they prefered and I recorded this by makeing a tally chart and the most popular landscpe was landscape 1

Once the landscape was picked I placed it in Photoshop. first, on a different layers, I made shaped with bright colours for trees, the houses, river etc so that I could easyly see them. I also used a picture to create the wolf.

Once I created all the shaped I went on every layer and coloured every single shape in the right colour and shaded it to give it depth and shadows.

This is the final product. It looks more natural the one up top and this is because I put an overly.
In this project, I had to create a natural landscape.
So first I made 4 mood boards and annotated them. Next, I looked at 4 different games and researched them. later on, I had to draw 3 sketches of natural landscapes. once that was done I asked everyone in my class which one they liked most and recorded it on a table. after that, I scanned the most favourite drawing in and created the landscape in Photoshop. it was very successful.
I didn't develop any new skills but I improved on the ones I already have such as Photoshop, research and drawing. I also developed my communication which I'm happy with because I'm a very shy/quiet person.
I used methods such as Photoshop, researching for information, and drawing by hand along with communication.
These skills helped me create this landscape and since was taught new skills in Photoshop i could make it even better.
My most successful skill is creating the landscape in photoshop because I use it quite frequently
As for my least, successful I'd say research although I improved it greatly in it.
the most frustrating thing was making the wolf. I'm not used to drawing animals so drawing the wolf was a bit difficult to create but that was something i was able to overcome.
If I could improve it id put snow on the trees and the mountains. And if I could do it again id use a different landscape sketch.
If I had to give myself a target I would say to stay more focused because I get easily distracted by random things that wasn't my work.

I got some advice on how to make my landscape look better by adding textures to the environment. Along with that, I got shown how to add fur to my wolf so that it looks more alive.