My Game Idea

Weather - there will be no weather because the game takes place in a wall.
Characters, character design- a small grey mouse along with a ginger cat with green eyes
Lighting- holes in the wall provide light for the player to see
Environment- trees, grass, Water- dark, small openning in the wall where the mouse collects food
Interactive elements- footstep sound along with mowing and squeak sound
Hud- health, how many points you have. how much cheese and seeds the mouse ate
Enemies: the cat
Dialog, narrative
Title screen,
Game menu- settings
Player- mouse and cat
Obstacles: rocks
Environment, inside a wall
Loading/Title screen
Settings, menus

Here is the animation I did for my game. The cat eye was created by drawing a cat eye first and there making copies of it but on each layer, I rub off a little piece of the eye making it look like its blinking. The cheese and the seed were also easy I just had to copy it and slightly rotate it an place it on a timeline on Photoshop. For the mouse, I had to make a 4 layer a draw wiggly lines to make it look like the mouses tail is moving. but with the paw it was quite different I had to keep coping the paw and making it smaller and bigger to make it look like the paw is towards the player and then pulling back.

Here is how the level is gonna look like. It looks slightly like a maze which is to make the game more difficult and the multiple holes are where the cat may try to catch you by sticking his hand through the holes. the rocks in the level is to obstruct the players movement although the rocks them selves can be moved. the seeds and the cheese scattered around the level are points you have to collect to get the highest score possible and the points will respawn.
Sound Of Games Idea
In groups today we had different objects that make a sound on four tables. we had 5 minutes on each table to see what type of sound each object. as we listen to the sounds we had to think what sound we might use for our games. along with that, we made a mind-map discussing what sounds are used and why they are used.

These are the object that where on the table.
Proposal: for game
The aim of the game is to collect as much cheese and seeds as possible before the cat catches you. There is no possible theme in the game. To collect cheese and seeds. The game will be played on a pc using w, a, s, d keys.
Visual considerations:
I created the mouse, cat paw, cat eye, two cheese designs, a seed, a rock and a level design along with that animations. To make the game look interesting and appeal to the player. The software I’m going to use are Photoshop and after effects
Sound considerations:
It will make the game interesting and give it emotion. The sounds my game will have are a cat noise, a mouse noise, a collecting sound, background music, cat attacking and the mouse getting caught by the cat. There will be non-diegetic such as background music and sound effects. There will also be a diegetic sound such as cat and mouse sounds. The software I will use is adobe audition.
Interactive considerations:
The game will be controlled by a keyboard using w, a, s, d keys. The game mechanic elements that I’m considering about adding are points and collecting things. The game will be easy at the star so that the player learns the mechanics and the longer you play the harder the game becomes.

The project was 3 different projects joined together. The 3 projects where interactivity, audio and visual. since they all overlap each other they were put together. For this big project, I design a game with sound animations and a video where it shows the game being played. my game is similar to Pacman but without the ghosts and the points keep respawning after a few minutes and continue doing that until the player dies. The point of the game is to collect as many points as possible before the cat catches you. The player as 3 lives which is displaced in the bottom left-hand corner.
The way it all started I drew all on paper and later scanned the drawing in. All though I've redone the level which you can see up top. Everything was very easy to draw and transfer on to the computer. Also, the redrawing of everything on Photoshop was also easy but when turning it all into an animation was quite stressful because the software kept breaking on me. Along with making animation I had to find and make sounds for the game. I recorded most of my sounds although I couldn't use all of them because the software that I used kept breaking on me. The sound I recorded are the cat meowing, scratches, the mouse squeaking and I have one which I got from FreeSound.org. I also redrew the paw because I lost the animation to it but it looks much better this way.
During the project, I have learned how to use 3 new software which is AfterEffect, Adobe Audition and Cinema 4D lit. In AfterEffect, I made my animation although it kept on breaking on me which made it hard to create the animation and to add the sound. On Adobe Audition, I learned how to edit sound. I was supposed to learn how to use Audacity but ended up learning about Adobe Audition. And finally, we learned to use Cinema 4D lit which we could access the not full version through AfterEffects.
If I had to do it again I would redo the animation and make it so the software doesn't break on me also I would make a better animation to use for the mouse and the cat eye. along with that, I would add the rock opticals which I forgot to add in the animation because of the stress the software was causing me.
The targets I would set for myself next time is to try to not to break the software and maybe take more time perfecting all the animation and to write more on Wix about my work.