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The games that I play are Ratchet and Clank(R&C), Assassin’s Creed and any fun adventure/shooter games.

I play these games mostly on PlayStation but on occasion, I play on my pc.

I enjoy these games because of the humour and the cool/fun facial expressions characters do or the interactions between characters.

The video games are marketed on websites such as YouTube with adverts and also on social media such as twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Video games are also promoted on billboards and TV.    This is because a lot of people use social media and watch TV.

The target audience for video games are all ages and over 16 this is because assassin’s creed has murder and brutal deaths but R&C is quite a kid-friendly although they have a lot of innuendos.

The video games my friend enjoy are professor Layton because they like to solve puzzles.

Promotion: its when you move up to a higher rank of you job which results in you having more responsibility in your job and may earn more money.

Marketing: when you want people to now your product is out there and try to get people intersted in the product through advertising,               or posters.

My three favourite drawings are the Bendy, Ozbend and naughty Karma (you can find them i them in my artwork). These drawings are my favourite because of the dark/ evil atmosphere they give out. Also, i love the shading in them.  

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Marketing is any technique used to make the public aware of a company and what it has to offer over its competitors.

  • billboards

  • posters 

  • TV

  • YouTube

  • social media ( Twitter, Facebook, Instagram)    


There are five (sometimes six) main aspects of a promotional mix: Advertising, Personal selling, Sales promotion, Public relations, and Direct marketing.

  • use of social networking

  • press releases

  • preview/reviews

  • public appearances/premiers

  • celebrity endorsement


Demographic: its the gender, age, ethnicity etc. which relating to the structure of populations.

Sociology-Economic Status:is the economic and sociological combined total measure of a person's work experience and of an individual's or family's economic and social position in relation to others, based on income, education, and occupation.

Psycho-graphics: the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, usually used in market research.

Geo-demographics:  refers to a range of methods used for classifying and characterizing neighborhoods or localities based on the principal that residents living near each other are likely to have similar demographic, sociology-economic and lifestyle characteristics.

Single elderly play bingo more than wealthy mature professionals.

More wealthy mature professionals owned a mortgage/loan.

More single elderly have social rent.

More wealthy mature professional play golf.

More wealthy mature professionals see the daily telegraph. 

Type 1

Type 50

Group F

The common interest :

  • cinema 

  • computer games

Considered genre for survays :

  • Action

  • Adventure

  • Crime 

  • Survival

  • Shooter

  • Sand box

  • Comady

  • Fighter


  • Ethnic origin

  • Age

  • Gender

  • Disabilites

  • Social background

  • Sexuality

  • Religious belief

Differences yet similarities to consider: 

  • Age 

  • Gender

  • Disabilites

  • Ethnic origins


RWBY has a large variety of diversity. For example, many characters ether background or main have a variety of different skin colour or look like a certain race which doesn't matter since the country's we know don't exist in RWBY.

The only race that is relevant is a race known as faunus which is a human with one animal characteristic. Another diversity is social background and some main character have bin relieved such as there is a rich girl, two orphans one of them witnessed their parents die, two sister which have different mothers and a girl that has grown up in a group to bring peace between faunus which ends up turning into a terrorist group. There is also a variety in age although it doesn't really matter in the story. And recently one of the characters loses a lime which is replaced with a metal one although the trauma left her with a PTSD.  

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