Cuphead was released on 29th September 2017, Cuphead is a run and gun indie game published by StudioMDHR. The head designer for the game is Jared Moldenhauer. The game got a load of good reviews but has been said to be very hard to complete and talking with experience the game myself I agree. Cuphead had received 3 awards so far they are
The Game Award for Best Independent Game, The Game Award for Best Art Direction and The Game Award for Best Debut Indie Game.
The plot of the game is the cup brothers go to the devil's casino and Cuphead ends up making a deal with the devil that if cup wins he gets everything in the casino. If he loses the devil takes his and his bother soul. of course Cup without thinking agrees, despite his brother Mugman trying to stop him and loses. Being scared for there lives they begged for their souls to be spared. the devil agreed but only on one condition that they collect all his lost contracts within 2 days. And so the cup brothers were off to save their own lives.


Game Investigation

This is the soundtrack of all the songs for every level in cuphead they are really good and they fit with the levels they are made for.
These are some of the sound affected used in the game. They range from attack sounds to enemy defeated sounds.
Game Play
When it comes to the game play of Cuphead the controls are smooth. All the animations are smooth and give the appearance of a cartoon. Although there is a move called the parry which is an opponent attack that will appear in a pink colour and it allows the player to jump on to it and it will appear and the end showing how many you have gotten but the move in my opinion is hard to do and could easily result a player to have a game over since the player only has 3 or 4 lives. Another problem with the game is that it is really hard. The level difficulty is to high in this game which has caused many player to rage quit (including me). Also the game is repetitive which caused many you-tuber to abandon the game.