23rd April 2019
Today I digitalised my swat analysis along with a mind map which I created during the Easter holiday (swat was stared before the Easter holidays.)
I digitalised them in photoshop and later placed them on my new Wix website. I created this Wix website during the holidays for unit 8. (I basically duplicated my unit 3 Wix site and deleted all the pages and renamed it).
Also, I added some research pictures into my Padlet, which is filled with research that will help me with my project(did it during the holidays).
The pictures are of my cat. I took pictures of my cat because I picked a book about cats and this will assist me with drawing cats in different poses.
I also started creating my very own brief. this is because I decided to create my own unique project and for that, I need my own brief. I wasn't able to finish this in my lesson today so I'll finish it in my next lesson on Thursday. Along with that, I will do more research by reading the book I pick and finding the cool scene I could recreate
25th April 2019
Today I started writing my UAL proposal but I wrote it down on paper so once I transfer it on Word I can upgrade it and get rid of any mistakes I have made(at home). I will print it off tomorrow as soon as I get to college. the proposal took up all of my time for the day sadly and wasn't able to finish at the finish my brief or research more of the book. the day was pretty uneventful. hopefully, I will do more tomorrow.
26th April 2019
I finished my UAL proposal at home and was able to print it out today. I got my teacher Ben to check it over and I had quite a bit to edit/change, along with that I had to add three links to help the examiner understand my project better.
I also managed to read quite a bit more of the book that I picked (Varjak paw) and have found quite a bit more of scenes that I could use for the concept art but I will hold off picking the 3 scene until I read the whole book so that I don't miss anything awesome. But although I did more than yesterday it was still pretty uneventful and as I ended up reading throughout the whole lesson. next week I plan to have the whole book read and 3 scenes picked.
30th April 2019
Today I finally was able to finish reading the book and write down all the scenes I found interesting along with the page number so that I know where they are located without reading the whole book all over again. I also wrote my client analysis on paper which I just need to transfer it onto my Wix.
By next lesson, I should have completed the client and the competitor analysis. with this, my research should be completed and I'm so happy it's complete I can move on and start on my preproduction and production.
7th-10th May 2019
I wasn't able to do a lot of my project as I was put into a 3d competition and because of this, my deadline will be extended by a week which I'm relieved by.
14th May 2019
Today I was able to draw some sketches for my preproduction along with annotating them. On each sketch, I wrote what is happening in the scene, as the one marking the project might have not seen the book. I was also able to create a small mood board to go with along my project. A lot of things went well today but nothing really eventful happened. I hope on Wednesday I will be able to start one of the actual concept pieces along with digitalizing my sketches to reannotate them so that they will be more readable.
16th May 2019
I was able to finish annotating my sketches and digitalising them along with putting them on Wix. Again nothing really happened today but everything went well although I wish I could do a bit more. Tomorrow I want to hopefully start on my concept art
17th May 2019
Today I did a lot of stuff.i was able to draw one of the concept arts and block out all the necessary shapes I need with a solid colour.
I tried to draw another concept art (concept 3) but I used a tool (blur tool) and destroyed everything which scared me and caused me to close/break the software I was using (Photoshop) losing everything and discouraging me from using the software for the lesson.
although I was able to create a brush to help draw grass which will help me in the future when I decide to tackle the creation of concept 3 again.
Overall all went well had some problems with drawing the cat in concept 1 (poses are hard) but other than that it was a very good lesson.
Over the weekend I plan to work on drawing or get started on concept 2.
21st May 2019
Today I didn't really do anything as my computer didn't allow me to log on and all the other computers where ether broke or in use. So I focused on writing the reflections that I missed on paper and later transfer it onto Wix along with the one I wrote today.
I was a bit annoyed that I couldn't really do anything today, hopefully, I will be able to catch up on all the work at home and do more next lesson.
23rd May 2019
Today I was able to transfer all my reflections from paper to pc and get started on blocking out concept 2 which I stared at home on Wednesday.
I was able to at least block out half the concept, the rest I should be able to complete at home.
Nothing else really happened today but I'm happy I was able to get my reflections up to date and get started on blocking out the second concept.
Tomorrow I plan to take screenshots of all the progress I made and put it onto Wix.
24th May 2019
Today I was able to take all of the screenshots all 106 of them. It was a real hassle getting them all, along with putting them all on Wix and resizing them all, especially when you realize you don't need half of them so you have to delete them and rearrange them all so that they make sense AND THERE IS LIKE REALLY BIG GAPS WHICH LAGG OUT THE COMPUTER MAKING THIS WHOLE PROSES GO REALLY SLOW. All of this took up my whole morning which surprised me as ii thought it will take up the whole lesson.
When I finally was able to finish that, I started drawing out the final concept which was surprisingly easier then I thought it was going to be and as I thought everything was going to go left it went right.
I will finish all the colouring process for all the concept arts during the half term and get started on the 3D model/scene.