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In the book, the older cat is teaching the younger cat how to hear/feel the surrounding better. I want to convey that the cats can hear a cricket that is located quite a bit way.

Before starting the concept I created a brush in photoshop to make creating the grass easier. With that brush, I started to create different colour and size layers of grass. in between The third and fifth layer, I added a body of water(more known as a lake) as it was mentioned in the book.


Once the grass was in place I started drawing and blocking out the two cats using the same technic as in concept one and two. Same goes for the cricket at the very front.

When colouring the cricket, picking the right colour was a bit challenging. Crickets are usually green in colour but then he would blend in with the grass so you would have a hard time seeing it. The colour that I went with was yellow/orange which against the green grass makes it look golden.


Also, the cats are once again the same species of cats but one is older than the other. When it came to the sky I didn't want it to be a plain blue sky so I used a gradient tool mixing two colours which were light blue and light yellow along with some clouds


In the final product, I put yellow on top of the grass with a different blending setting to make the grass more vibrant. Also, I added a border since the scene was basted to be in a dream. 


I wanted to show the audience the teaching that the older cat is showing the younger cat of being able to hear/feel stuff from far distances. I did this by having the cats be far in the background while the cricket is located at the front of the concept which I believe successfully shows that.

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