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12th March 2019

today I started on unit 5 and 7. the unit was to create a level where you start inside and ends outside. I wrote my initial response to the brief I was given and went along to onto my research. I started out my research with a mind map to figure out what theme I will have, what demographic the game will be aimed for etc. I decided to make my game horror themed, the game will have very minimal lighting and will be sound based (at least I hope so) and using sound to find the exit. the brief required us to have us make it a VR game and by making it sound based it will be even creepier and will create the fear of the unknown for the player. next lesson I will finish my mind map and continue on my research.


14th March 2019

today I was told to make a pillar in 3dx max, unwrap it, texture it in substance painter and bring it all into unreal engine. making the pillar was really easy but I may have made it a bit too detailed which made it hard to unwrap. while I was unwrapping I had a lot of trouble which I got some help with and at the end of the lesson had it all handled almost. when I brought the asset into substance painter it was see through which annoyed me and I later found out that substance painter inverted my shape which made it see through. so I had to invert my pillar in 3dx max which solved the problem. I didn't have any time to complete my mind map and carry on my research. I'll try to next lesson.


15th March 2019

today I practised and developed my skills in unreal engine. I learned a bit about how to implement sound and my own assets and textures into unreal engine along with giving objects physics and how to break them apart. although I wasn't really listening as I was trying to focus on everything at once or if I did listen it went in and the other so had to keep asking others for help but I got most of the things once I tried it out my self.

I also managed to complete my mind map and so some research. since my game is themed around horror I decided to look at some horror games. I decided to look at three games SCP containment breach, outlast and amnesia.

I picked SCP containment breach because of its variety in mechanics along with its creepy creatures that are there to kill you.

I picked outlast again because of the mechanics but I also picked it because if the gory and terrifying art style.

and finally, I picked amnesia because it's a classic and I like the games art style which I may use a similar one


19th March 2019

today I made a storyboard of what will occur in my game and how it will occur. this includes events, sounds, animatics etc. I drew the storyboard in a sketchbook and later digitally drew it in photoshop, later placed them on Wix and padlet. it was quite easy to make as I draw a storyboard multiple time before. after finishing that I decided on drawing out the layout of how the interior of the room and corridors will look like. I was only able to create and complete one, hopefully ill be able to complete the rest next time.


21st March 2019

today I managed to make a bird's eye view map of my level(in photoshop). it was really easy to make but I think I made it over-detailed (oops). I also made a gif with red text to show what will happen in each room and corridor and what sound would be playing. I was also able to complete all the interior for all rooms and corridors.

next lesson I would like to start on my 3d assets such as a bed, candles, chains etc.


26th March 2019



28th + 29th March 2019

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