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Critical perspective

A style or category for art, games, movies act
E.g. action, adventure, strategy and stimulation

A type of technology that is used by a number of people or place where games are distributed.
E.g. PS4, Xbox, Steam and Game Stop

Content analysis
Analysis of content such as colour, font, assets, character etc. and how they are arranged in the game or film.
Semiotic analysis
The analysis of signifiers and the signified in games 

signifier character or aspect that is featured in a game that represents a
People split into categories depending on their age, gender, nationality and there likes and dislikes.
Signified is what it meant (green for go, safe and red for stop, danger)
is the image or sound (green light and red light)
certain demographic can
A way in which a story is told in a game
such as gender, age, race or sexuality. Believer where the story is from a to b
Can be non-linear where the story can be changed through interactions
Can have alternative endings can be either
of fake

Assassin’s creed syndicate
the game is made by Ubisoft and released on 23 October 2015 
The genre that all assassin’s creed games have is action adventure and stealth. All games are available for PlayStation, Xbox and pc but this game specifically is for PS4, Xbox one and pc.

The game takes place in England and being more specific in the city of London. Most Assassin's Creed games take place around historical events or in some time back in history. This one is placed in the Victorian era during industrial times. the story is  told is linear like most or all assassins creed games 
in the game, you play as assassins trying to kill templars who most of the time are bad guys.
Due to where the game is placed there quite a lot of dark colours used around the factory’s and in the poorer arias while the rich area is much brighter and have more vibrant colours.

The collectable is basted a little bit on the time the game is set, using chests, flowers and music boxes.
The music placed is quite instrumental. Mostly using violin based instruments. Or instruments used in the Victorian era. 

When it comes to the H.U.D is quite useful. It reminds you what buttons you need to press in case you forget and the minimap in the bottom left-hand corner helps navigate through the map. In the top left-hand corner, it tells you what to do in a mission if you have activated one.
The main menu is quite bright, very opposite to the dark environments of the game.

In the game, you can switch between two characters which are twins known as Jacob and Evie Frye. Jacob is quite sarcastic and he thinks more with his fists than with his head and is more brawl then stealth. Evie, however, is calm, more focused and cares more for stealth then face to face confrontation. and their gameplay is based on their personality.

in the game because of the time its set in has gangs. the two gangs featured in the game are called the
bliters and the rooks. the bliters dress in red clothing to show that they are bad and dangerous. they have a flag which is a fist pointed upward holding a dagger or knife. the knife I believe signifies that they are dangerous and that they shouldn't be messed with. the rook, however, dresses in green to show that they are the good guys and not so dangerous. the rooks also have a flag which is a bird attacking a knight chest piece which has a template cross on it. the bird could signify freedom and the bird attacking the chest piece signifies fighting for freedom.

the game takes place in England so most character act and talks in a certain way to represent the British. if I have to be honest it's really spot on as I live in England and although the games take place in 1868 it still represents some people in England.
finally, when it comes to the audience it mostly aimed for people over 16 as it has blood, death and can have adult content.   

detroit become human
DBH was developed by Quantic dream as an adventure game released on 25th May 2018. The game takes place 20 years in the future and because everything is in the future everything is more advanced, there are cars that drive themselves and androids. 

The story is based about around androids which are machines designed to look like humans and are used for housework and general labour work. Because of this people are losing jobs because android do everything and they don't need to be paid and so are treated terribly and are discriminated against. Androids get self-awareness and feelings such as fear and anger and start a rebellion. And you basically try to get this rebellion to either go peacefully or violently and try to stop it or have it go on.

In the game, you play as 3 characters.
 Kara: a female home caretaker android who bracks her programming to save a girl who can possibly be killed by her father and runway. The little girl's name is Alice and later they meet an android named Luther who is a gentle giant and together they like a family and they try to leave to Canada where rules for androids are different. 

Connor: a male detective/police android who is trying to find out why android a getting self-awareness. He works with a depressed and alcoholic lieutenant named Hank who lost his son and blames it on android and so hates them. conner and hank can have a good relationship where hank sees conner as his son or hank can end up committing suicide. With Connor, you can get him to get self-awareness and join the android rebellion or don't get self-awareness and stop the rebellion.

And finally Markus: a health care android who takes care of an old artist named Carl who end up having a son and father relationship but some things happen where Markus ends up being shot and thrown away into an android throwaway place. he ends up with two different colour eyes. Markus is the leader of the rebellion and helps kara leave to Canada and can potentially help conner to brack from his code.

The colour scheme in the game is quite dark most of the time but can be bright at some levels. the music in the game depends on the character you play as Connor being robotic up until he bracks from his code. Kara being quite tense and fast pace until she makes it to Canada where it calms down and shows that she is safe and Markus having calm later tense and again calm music. There is no hud most of the time unless it tells you the objected in that time period and also if your relationship with a character goes up or down.

The menu is white and futuristic looking. the title screen has an android named Chloe (blond hair) who talks to you and comments on the choices you make in the game and can become more self-aware the more you play. When you finish the game she will ask you if she can go and be free. If you say yes then she will leave and not come back if you say no she will reset her self and will not remember the events that happened in the game.

Androids in the game have led's on the left side on their temples. the led change colours from blue meaning the calm, yellow/orange they are confused or a bit stressed and finally red where they are in distressed. Also when you do a good thing you will see the colour blue most often and if bad you will see red most often. 
The game is aimed at people over 18 or adults as the game has a lot of dark tone such as death, suicide, abuse, sexual and discrimination.

The games show how violent and territorial humans are. Also the story of the game non-learner with a multible ending.

Sims 4
The Sims 4 was realist 2nd September 2014 by maxis. You can get the game for PS4 Xbox One and PC. 

The game is a simulation game where you make your own characters  and control there lives and what they to up to the day they die. Because of this, I believe this a linear storyline as it end the same with death.
Music in the game is calm unless your listening to a object that plays music which has real songs sang by real artist but in sim language.
The game generally dosent have a colour scheme because you are the one how picks the colour scheme. The tone is usually nice and cheerful unless you make it dark.

The Sims hub is basically, showing you the sim your playing as  there needs, there mood, the households money and the changes to build mod with furnish you can buy for the house your sim/s live in.

The game is for people over 12 probably because you can kill your sims in different way and do bad things to them.

The game has different expansion packs which you have to buy separately which add different stuff to the game such as cats and dogs, vampires and different season.  
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