Limbo Mini-project


This will help me because I won't need to look out for any graphics and stuff that are not kid-friendly this will not hinder my work but makes it easier.

The gender docent really mater. My class was doing my survey and there is manly guys and me and another girl so I can't say its male-oriented of here is mostly males in my class.

Limbo is already a strategy so this will not hinder my work at all but helps me instead.

This allows me to see how many people know the game and with that, I will know how well known the game is.

This really helps me because I don't need to worry about the colour scheme I want to use or how to use it. I can keep the black and white colour scheme limbo has and add just a bit of colour.

With this, I wanted to know if adding a cat as a character is a good idea and people were ok with it so this will make it easier to think of a concept for this project.​

This similar to the one above will help me maybe not use the character a playable on but something in the level like an enemy or something in the background.

I got mostly yeses on my character ideas but ill take these into consideration and might add or change something to make the game better.

I don't really agree with this one because I didn't add enough themes to this. I will not make it cute nor horror but I will make it a fantasy like theme when it comes to the visuals.
the overall brief is to make an animatic demo of the next version of Limbo.
the limitation in this project are the need of internet connections to get images for inspiration. needing a computer and software which I only will be able to acquire at college, the software I will use are Photoshop, After Effects and FireAlpaca(I can use this at home). along with that, I will need to transfer it into an 1080p, mp4 video which I can only do in college.
another limitation is that I will need to do my animation in the style of limbo an do it in 2D side perspective. I will need to make the animation look like it aimed at a +16 aged audience. also, I need to worry about copyright all thought I can use the background music and sound as long as I will not get profit.
I have two ideas for the animation. the first idea is to make the character a cat and get it to walking in a bamboo forest with panda bears in the background and in the way for the cat to jump over them.
the second idea is to again make the character a cat and get it going through a pyramid. overall I pick the first idea because I think it would look cool and interesting. my them will be fantasy with a bit of horror because of the colour or how the game, in general, has an eerie feel to it.
to create the visuals I will use software such as Photoshop, After Effects and FireAlpaca. I will need to create animations of the cat walking, sitting, jumping onto something, jumping off of something and just jumping.
I also need to animate the panda to eat bamboo and panda breathing/sleeping. along with that, I need to create a bamboo background.
when it comes to the colour for the how to piece it will be simulare to the how limbo has it grey scale colour scheme but instead of grey, I will have different shades of green.
going onto the level that the cat will go through. the level will start of with the cat walking and jumping up onto a panda and jump down and later climb up onto a bamboo, jump down, after that the cat will go under a floating panda and again climb onto a zigzag bamboo which is hanging over a drop which the cat will jump over where it will see a big panda and jump onto the pandas belly and as the cat will be walking on the panda, the panda will look at the cat and move its paw for the cat to jump on to and that's where the level will end.

This is my block out of the level that my character will go through. The two hills and the big black rectangle will be pandas that the character will go past over and under. The tall stick like obstacles that the character will walk on will be bamboo. When getting to the middle of the level my character will jump over a drop/deadly hole.
Concept Art

This is how I wanted my animation of limbo to look like but later was told that it was too short and that I need to make a block out which I did. But originally I wanted a small screen will a cat walking past a panda eating bamboo.
This is the original sketch of the panda that would be animated to eat the bamboo. I Wanted him to look fluffy and innocent but still have the art style of Limbo.

This the same panda sketch but coloured in along with a bamboo stick that he would be eating. And some annotate to see what it would be doing.

This is the proses behind drawing the panda digitally. the software I used is called FireAlpaca which I used for most of the digital drawings. well, I first drew the panda, like I drew him on the piece of paper but it didn't really look right so I went on the internet and found a picture of a panda which I used to make it look more like a panda and abit more realistic.

This my character that I will use in the animation and I again used FireAlpaca to draw it. I used to different pictures to make the cat as closes as possible to looking like a cat but will limbo design. As you can see I first drew the skeleton to help me drawing things right and I changed the tall position of the tail so that it's not flat on the floor.

this is the prosses I used to make a walking cycle for my cat and It's all similarly drawn to the cat sitting down. this whole process was very tedious but I managed to do it although the cat looks a bit stiff and his tail dosent move and if could redo this animation I would. I used a video of a cat walking to help me draw the cat. Here is the link to the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hzt18V3Uaxc

Here are the final animation gifs of the panda eating and cat walking.

this is the layout of the scene the can will be walking on. the panda at the very end doesn't have an arm because it will be animated to bring the cant from his stomach. I mad this on photoshop. I had to make a new brush to creat the bamboo in he background and as climbing obsticas on the foreground.
This is the final product although it is not finished and is missing a lot of stuff that I made and animated. I'm not necessarily happy with it and wish I had more time on it. for future reference, I should remember to have better time management so that I can/will be able to finish it where I want it to finish. the software I was using was aftereffects and I had a little problem with my animations when it came to it. I had to find another way to export the animations from photoshop. Also, it doesn't have a sound which is sad might of made it better and the cat jumping isn't exactly great but it was made in a short amount of time which it just had to do. Another thing is that I couldn't add the panda eating because of time. I really wish I had more time because id love to finish it.