Fashion Design
Good at drawing clothes
I know nothing about fashion
I have no interest in fashion
Become a fashion designer
Give me experience in fashion
I have no time to learn something I know nothing about
Never designed a set of clothes
Game Design
I know how to design games
I know the software to create a game
created a game before
Not good at research
will help me become a games designer
will teach me how to think of more game ideas
may not have time to finish
may have to switch between pc and mac
Game Design Brief
why have you chose this brief? why did it appeal to you over the others choices?
I've made a game before so its going to a bit easier and I already had an idea for a game so I just went with it.
What is the purpose of the brief? Why does the client want you to do that task? Why are you making the product?
Its a game design for BAFTA for young game designer 2016. I'm doing this for entertainment.
What skills will this brief allow you to develop?
Hard Skills
Adobe AfterAffects
Adobe audition
Soft Skills
Who is the target audience for the project?
The target audience for the project is 16 and under.
What content do you have to produce fore the project? How many do you make?
I have to draw character, make a level, add animate, do research and make a video showing the game.
what technical considerations do you have for the project? what file formats size or resolution do you have to use?
Resolution 300DPI, 20 width 12 height(Photoshop)
what style are you considerations using?
2D cartoon style