This may not be relevant in the future as the game is not fully complete and may have updated/changed or added stuff to its levels

Bendy the dancing demon: Bendy was created in Joey Drew studio but we are not exactly sure who by just quite as one audiotape reveals that Henry (the protagonist) may have created him but may have been stolen by Joey. Bandy’s appearance he has a crescent moon shaped head which floats on top of his body and a white bow tie. You can see Bendy all over the studio, as cardboard cut-outs, on posters and on many employees’ desks. Later on, you come across ink/demon Bendy. This is Bendy but he is much taller and has ink dripping down his body and ink covering his eyes. When the game was first released bendy was much bulkier and chubby but they changed him in the resent chapter and they made him more skinny and bony which makes him creepier. You come across ink bendy at the end of chapter 1, at the end chapter 2, throughout chapter 3 and in the middle and around the end of chapter 4.
Bendy and the ink machine is a horror puzzle game created by TheMeatly Games, the game is made in chapters. The game is about an old animator named Henry getting a letter from his old boss Joey Drew to come to visit if he was in the area. Henry ends up going to the SillyVision or Joey Drew studios (I am not sure because it has both names in the game) where we find out that the studio is "abandoned". particular thing start to occur and we end up stuck in the studio.


Alice angel: Alice Angel is a character created by Joey Drew you can find her on one poster in chapter 2 and are introduced to in chapter 3. On the poster, she looks like a normal (cartoon girl) with two horns and a halo and a black dress with a white bow (she looks a bit like Betty Boop). In chapter 3 we find out that Alice isn't exactly an angel as we thought she would be, she is more of a fallen angel. Her appearance is also different than the posters with half of her face being distorted and her figure looks more like a human than a cartoon character. Her voice also changes pities making her sound and look more demonic and evil.
Susie Campbell: Susie is the first voice actor of Alice but was replaced by another girl which she was not happy with. Along with that, it appears that she and Joey drew had a thing going on but it ended up with Joey using Susie and nothing else. Because of this Alice is not happy and may have been turned into Alice angel which she fell in love with. Along with that, she is obsessed with making herself look perfect after bendy hurts her. We can hear her voice in audio recordings in chapter 2, 3 and 4.
Alice Angel(evil)
Sammy Lawrence: Sammy is the head director of the music department. we do not know a lot about him but the 2 audio recordings found shows that Sammy was not exactly happy with his boss Joey and the installation of the ink machine but later after the studio was abandoned Sammy went insane and started worshiping Bendy and tries to sacrifice Henry to Bendy but fail and ends up being killed (so we presume) by bendy. Sammy appearance is basically a human body covered in ink with yellow inky overalls and a torn up bendy mask.
Henry: Henry is the character that we play as (the protagonist). We do not know what Henry looks like. The only thing we know about Henry is that he use to work with joey drew as an animator and may have created ether bendy or Boris we are not sure yet.
Wally Frank: we have not met Wally yet but we hear his voice on the audio tapes scattered around the studio in different chapters. The tapes are in all chapters and a duet tape with another co-worker named Thomas Connor. From the audio tapes, we gathered that Wally is a janitor and his famous words that he likes to use at the end of his recording are “I’m outer here”.

Sammy Lawrence

Boris the wolf: Boris was also created in joey drew studios but is debated if he was created by Henry or Joey. Boris looks similar to Goofy who was created by Disney but he wears overalls, his ears aren't droopy and he has black spots on his cheeks. Also, he is a wolf not a dog and his attitude is definitely not like Goofy’s. We can see him in some posters in chapter 1, 2, 3 and 4. In chapter 1 we can also find Boris on a medical table with his chest cut open. At the end of chapter 2, Boris appears and takes us to a safe house. In chapter 3 we are with Boris a lot at the beginning and later he hangs out in the elevator and any time bendy is close by Boris will shake like a leaf and put his hands over his face. At the end of chapter 3, Alice kidnaps Boris and changes him to brute Boris which is a big hulk like Boris. The brute Boris is a boss at the end of chapter 4.
The Projectionist: the projectionist is an enemy we encounter around the end of chapter 3. He is a humanoid ink monster with his head replaced with a projector. He also has a film real in his shoulder and a speaker in his chest. The projector on his head shines a blinding light in his line of sight and if you get in it you more or like will get chased and the only way to escape him is to hide in a miracle station. If you have a weapon you are able to kill him and get an achievement called Norman’s fate. In chapter 4 however he comes back if you kill him and will end up fighting bendy and getting his head ripped off resulting in his permanent death.
Norman Polk: we do not exactly meet him but you can find two audio recordings one in chapter 2 and one in chapter 3. In his recording, we find out that he is the projectionist for the cartoon and my really be the projectionist we meet due to the achievement you get when you kill him which is Norman’s fate

The Projectionist
Joey Drew: Joey is the boss of the whole studio. He is the one who sent us the letter to go to the old studio. As we play the game we find out that he is a selfish person that only wants things for himself and doesn’t care whom he hurts along the way. We finally get to hear his voice in chapter 3 and we get the feeling that Joey created the ink machine to make himself somehow immortal. In chapter 4 we also find a recording and find out that he made multiple audio recording with propaganda to brainwash his co-workers to make them happy so that they can do more work for him.
Shawn Flynn: Shawn is the one in charge of the merchandise and is found in one audio tape in chapter 3. He is voiced by Sean Mcloughlin or the youtuber jacksepticeye.
Grant Cohen: is the one who takes care of the money in the studio and takes care in making sure they won’t throw all their money away. We don’t see him but we hear him in a recording in chapter 3 and we get to go to his office in chapter 4.
Jack Fain: he is the lyricist. We hear his voice in chapter 2 we later find him as an ink searcher.
Jack ink searcher

Swollen ink searcher

minor ink searcher

ink searcher

Ink searchers: ink searchers are enemy’s that attack you but only the normal ink searchers and the minor ink searcher which is an Easter egg. The other ink searchers which are swollen searchers and jack searcher will not harm you but run away from you.
Lacie Benton: is a voice found on an audio tape. She explains how the workers don’t talk/socialize with each other but she is fine with it. She had a unique Texas accent. Her tape is found in chapter 4.
Thomas Connor: We do not meet him but like many other, we hear him in multiple recordings in one in chapter 1 one and a duet with wally frank in chapter 3. by his recording we can tell that he is fed up with joey and that shortcuts that he makes will kill someone someday. it is also assumed that he may be the mechanic in the studio.
Linda: we have not seen or hear a audio. she was only mentioned by Henry.
Allison Pendle: again we never heard her or seen her but she was mentioned by Susie that she was replaced by Allison and is Alice angels new voice actress

Bertrum Piedmont: Bertrum was someone who was hired by joey drew to build him a theme park. He is shown as very posh and a bit snobby in his audio recordings in chapter 4. When Joey introduced Bertrum as Berty he was not very happy and comments that he will make the biggest theme park that there ever was and that achievement is his and his alone. Later on, we enter a room with a carousel-like ride and find out that he is inside it. Along with that Bertrum will start attacking you by swinging it for arms to defeat him you will need to find an axe that is lying on the floor and hit 4 bolts on each of the 4 arms of its arms. It is basically a mine boss.
Piper: he is a cartoon character from bendy cartoon created by Joey Drew studios. he has a is in a gang with two other characters and together are called the butcher gang. his original name is Charley which was relieved by TheMeatly. in the game he is an enemy and when he sees you he will attack you with a wrench.
Fisher: He is a cartoon from the bendy cartoon created by joey drew studios. He is in a gang with two other characters called the butcher gang. His real name is barley and it was confirmed by the creator of the game TheMeatly. In the game, he is an enemy. He will attack you on sight with his wrench and this head.
Striker: He is a cartoon from the bendy cartoon created by joey drew studios. He is in a gang with two other characters called the butcher gang. His real name is Edger and it was confirmed by the creator of the game TheMeatly. In the game, he is an enemy. He will attack you on sight with his starchy arm.

This character has just been added. her name was found in the files of the game as Allison angel. which may mean that she is Allison Pendle.

This character has just been added. his name was found in the files of the game as Tom. which may mean that he is Thomas Conner.

Lost ones
Chapter 1
chapter 1 starts with Henry entering the studio. with that, you are able to control Henry and go look around the studio. in the chapter, your first objective is to go find the room with ink machine. once you find the ink machine you get a new objective which is to activate the ink machine, to do that you need to go find a room with six pedestals and six pictures next to the pedestals. with that, you will get a new objective and that is to find the objects found in the pictures and place them down on the pedestals.
while looking for the objects or before you enter the room with the pedestals you find a room to the left with what looks like a corps of a cartoon character (it is a corps). this character is known as Boris and you can find his name on the random posters found on the walls.
once all the objects are collected go back to the room and place the objects on the pedestals and you will need to find another room with a button on the wall saying flow which you will press and head back to the room with the pedestals and on the wall you will find a switch you will need to flip. once that is done all lights will turn off and the ink machine will be turned on, go back to the room with the ink machine and you will find it bored up, walking up to it bendy will jumpscare you and with that the hallwaies will fill with ink and you have to run to the exit/ where you started but before you reach the door you will fall through the ground and land in an ink flooded room where you will need to find valve wheel turn it, that will drain the ink and allow you to go down stairs. while going downstairs you will need to turn more valves to be able to go throw the ink to get to the end of the stairs. once at the bottom, you will go throw a door where you will find an axe and with that, you will brack down wooden boards and get to a room where you will pass out and chapter 2 will start.
Chapter 2
in chapter 2 after walking, throw ink are introduced to a humanoid ink creature which disappears before we are able to reach him. later after finding some switches and opening a gate, we find our self in the sound department. later on, after completing some puzzles and killing ink blobs we get knocked out by the humanoid ink creature we seen before, when we wake up again we find our selves tide up and find out that the ink creature is an old co-worker named Sammy Lawrence.
Sammy has gone insane and is trying to sacrifice use to bendy but ends up getting killed by bendy. somehow we manage to get out the rope and grab our axe that was propped up on a board. we kill some ink blobs an then head to a corridor and brake the boards that litter our path and end up breaking our axe leaving us defenceless. after our ax brakes we end up in a room where bendy appears/jump scare use and start to chase us
Chapter 3
There is too much in his chapter to talk about but all I can say is that bendy will spawn randomly and chase you. To escape him you will need to find a miracle station and hide inside. also in this chapter, we meet Alice angel and she gets us to collecting things for her.
Chapter 4
there is too much in this chapter to talk about but we see the workers that used to work there and they have been turned into ink creature named the lost ones. we fit a carousel and bendy fights and kills the projectionist. and a character kills Alice angel by stabbing her in the back.
the chapter 5 teaser trailer just came out (June 4th 2018)
The way this game will help/inspire my game is through the puzzle aspect of it. I want my game to be a puzzle adventure and the puzzles in that game may help me come up with how I want the levels to look like. the cartoon design of the game will also give me an idea of how to draw my game characters and my levels but I will have much more colour and it won't have the horror aspect or that many characters. Also, I like the idea of an abandoned castle and maybe add some eerie music in the background.

Little planet is about a sock puppet going around and saving the world by placing stickers in different places and bringing back creativity.
In little big planet 3 the sock puppet goes to a new world and later unlocking his new friends and they help him save that world.
I really like the idea of having multiple characters that have different abilities that you can control and use to solve a variety of puzzles. although I will not be using the same abilities nor will I use the same puzzles but I will make it colourful but with a bit of eerieness