the brief I chose is the game design brief. in this brief, I had to a PEGI 12 game for the BAFTA. I had 3 initial ideas. the first one is the one that I picked for my project. the second one was a survival like-game where you build your ant colony and try to survive as many days as possible without the colony die. my third idea was to make a game where you are a little wolf daughter of the big bad wolf but the big bad wolf is not bad but is sick and injured (misunderstood). the objective of the game is to go and find supplies such as food, medicine, and other things to keep the wolf alive and heal him.
my research was effective. i found all that i was looking for. i recorded all of my research on my website. he research sources that i used are a primary source (i did a survey) and two secondary sources (research two games). my secondary research helped me find the right art style that i wanted to use for my game and how it should work. while my primary research was not as helpful. i did my research throughout the project because there was to much to write and i found it hard, also i didn't have time to just focus on my research.
Planning and production
i panned my project vary well. the planning helped successfully finish my project. i didn't have to make any changes to my schedule and i finished my project two days before the due date.
Practical skills and presentation
my practical skills vary successful in producing my project. at the beginning i used skills like drawing on paper and writing my ideas down. later i put my ideas on the computer where i made a mind map and digitally drew my characters, object and backgrounds on Photoshop/FireAlpaca. i also animated my characters on Photoshop. after i made a video on after affects to help transfer the idea of what i wanted my game to be about although i didn't focus on story. and placed all that i have done on my website to show what i have done. i also recorded sounds using my phone to give my video some sound affects to make it seem more real.
i did vary well on developing the look of my game although it took me a while to a accomplish. in my game i made my art style to be cartoony with bright colours and okey lighting but i'm not sure i accomplished the lighting part.
i build up some of my skills that i used before such as how to navigate after effects and how to render videos on Photoshop more easily.
the new skills that i learned is how to make audio quieter in adobe audition.
i didn't conduct any practices/tests/experiment on my work.
i tried to make my work as neat as possible but there can be parts that are not as neat as everything else.
Evaluation and reflection
over all i think i successfully completed what i have planned but something could of been better. when it comes to the brief the only thing i had to follow was to make sure my game of for PEGI 12 which i successfully achieved by not swearing and using violence.
i only needed to change one thing and that is to not to digitally draw the front of my characters. this is because i didn't really need it for anything and it would of took a lot of my time.
the easiest part of my project was the drawing and animating my characters/ objects. i have done it many times before so i found it quite easy.
the hardest/worst part of this project was the writing part where i had to recorded all my progress this is because i would find it vary hard to think of what to write.
i have received positive feedback and negative feedback from people. the positive feedback that i got was that the art style is vary good along with the animation. the negative feedback that i got was small but it was if i had more time to animated Tim when he is thrown and give him a jumping animation.
if i had more time i would of made more animations for the characters and change the level because it doesn't fit with the characters when it comes to size. i would also repair the Tals throwing animation as part of his arm was slightly cut of while in FireAlpaca.
through this project i have learned that the creative media industries has to put a lot of time and stress in to the game they are making or whatever making. i also understand that it take a long time for developers to make whatever they are making.