Design and Production

This small guy is Tim. He is the youngest of the three brothers. He is small which allows him to get through small places. He is also quite fast and light which allows him to hover with his propeller hat. Because he is so small he can be thrown by tall. Here to the left are his original sketches which I later took pictures off and put them put them on my computer. Once on the computer I outlined and made a walking and floating drawing of in FireAlpaca and later

coloured and animated him in Photoshop you can see his animations in the clip down below. I was going to animate the fan but I found out I didn't really need it so I just left it out.

This chubby fellow is Ben. He is the second oldest brother. He is a bit heavier than the other brothers and because of that he is a bit slow but he is not useless as you can use him as a trampoline to let to others to higher places. He can also float on water like an air mattress and get his brothers to the other side of a big body of water where they will find it harder to jump over. Here at the top are the sketches for ben and similar to Tim I outlined him in FireAlpaca and coloured and animated him in Photoshop. You can see the animations in the clip below.
This is the oldest brother his name is Tal but he is not tall as his name suggests. Rather than being tall, he has very long arms. These arms allow him to throw Tim, climb up platforms and make a bridge between platforms that are too far away for you to jump to. To the left are his sketches which I later drew around in FireAlpaca and made a lot of frames so that his animations will look right. and the same as the others I coloured an animated him in Photoshop. To be honest Tal was the hardest and the longest one to colour.
he took most of my time in this project. You can see the animations of him in the video below

I created this video in Adobe After Effects. These are the all and full animation for the brothers. The animated door at the end I created after creating the level and realizing that I need the door to open and close once the puzzle is solved. It was a last minute animation. The only thing that annoyed me is that a part of Tals arm gets slightly cut off where he is doing his throwing animation and I believe that I accidentally cropped it out in FireAlpaca where it was permanently deleted and the sadly I didnt have the time to fix it. Along with that, I am sad that I didn't think if making a jumping animation because it was greatly needed when making the final animation showing how the game works.

The way I made this milk carton is by first going in Adobe Illustrator and arranging shapes in a shape of a carton similar to a juice or milk one. Later I moved it into Photoshop and coloured each shape to make it look like it had black and white cow pattern with a label with what it is and writing on the side. I also made a duplicate of it and made it look like it is selected

I made this similar to the milk carton, I used Adobe Illustrator and made a cube. later I transferred it to Photoshop and got a sugar texture from google (I was unable to find it). I used it three times for the three sides and after shaded the cube sides. once that one was done I copy and pasted it three times so that it looks like there is more than one and will be easier to see. and like the milk I made a duplicate and made it look like it was selected.

Unlike the milk and the sugar, I didn't use Illustrator to make the teabag. I made the teabag in Photoshop using the paint tool and multiple layers along with a teabag texture I found in google images. I coloured the layer individually and shaded them and made the one on top a bit translucent so that you would be able to see the inside of the teabag like you do with a real one. Like with the others I made a duplicate and it looks like its selected.

similar to the teabag, I didn't use Illustrator. I used Photoshop and Photoshop alone. But I used an image of a teapot to help me draw my own teapot (sadly I didn't save the image and its now forever gone in what we know as the internet). I based my design of Chinese porcelain teapot when it comes to the colour and the pattern. to create that patter on the teapot I made a new brush in Photoshop and on a separate layer drawn it and reshaped it so that it matched with the rest of the teapot. once I had all the patterns and colours in place I gave it lighting and shadows. similar to the others I made a duplicate and made it look like its selected.

I made this in Photoshop. I'm not really happy with how it turned out but I didn't have time to change it. along with that I didn't really know what to draw to represent water or have water in but now that I think about it I could of draw a jug of water, too late for that now. the way I drew this by drawing a cup shape in photoshop and in different layers colour, change the opacity in some of the layers and shade it in. the same as with the others I duplicated it and made it look like its selected.

Background/Level Design
This is the sketch for my level. The word on the wall is the puzzle for the room. the objects scatered around are the collectables you have to collect and merge and put on the pedestal next to the door to complete the puzzle. The sketch is not exactly that neatly drawn but it will be better when its coloured in.

I made this in Photoshop. Like I said before the coloured in version looks way better. I wanted the environment to look like the inside of a castle but I didn't want it to be your stereotypical grey walls and wooden floor, I wanted it to look unique and "magical". So I added a bit of neon blues to it and it makes everything look amazing. I made the writing white so that you can read it more easily and I picked a font that looks like it's been drawn on

I created this in After Effects. The animation is great but I could be better. I made a few mistakes such as making the level/background not fit the characters. an example of this is shown at the beginning when Tal walks in and he is taller than the entrance to the level. also, I had no jumping animations so the platforming part is a bit awkward. but everything else is spot on the sound that I recorded fits with the things that are meant to make sounds except for the popping noise is a bit loud
the backpack in the top left hand corner was created, drawn and coloured in on Firealpaca and the writings in the corners I just wrote in Photoshop and then transferred them onto After Effects. as to the hearts and the door, I draw them in Photoshop and as for the door, I created a new brush to make the patterns. I also learned how to get sound to be quieter in Adobe Audition.
After Effects files may have textures missing due to files being moved. You can find all textures in the other folders located in the link.